Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Here we are, half way through the second week of the Easter Holidays and what have I done? I've spent most of my time sitting right here, typing into this computer! I'm less than a couple of weeks away from the hand in date for my Chartered Teacher Submission. I thought it was going to be so difficult to write enough, but no! I'm nearly two thousand words over the limit! Get out the red pen! (Who said 'Typical!'??)
Even though I still have lots to do, I now feel that I can see the Finish Line away in the distance! It'sprobably just as weell that I don't know exactly how much I still need to do! It's those fiddly admin bits that always take more time that you think!
I've also managed to do this on my PC after weeks of not being able to get on! Youpi! as my French friend Isabelle says!